2019 in review

2019 was a good year for me. Like everyone, I had blips in the road and sometimes I think my patience was tested as much as it could be, but overall, 2019 was good for me. I've been sat up late this evening, looking back on the last year and trying to recognise the things I've achieved in just 12 months. Admittedly, nothing is ultimately life-altering, but I think we need to recognise sometimes that more often than not, the most important achievements in our little lives, are often the ones we do in our day to day.

Firstly, I passed my first year of University. Granted, I only needed 40% over 6 modules, but I remember when I did get my results back in July and it was a little proud moment seeing my grades and knowing I'd be able to continue into my second year with flying colours. 

One of my favourite moments this year was seeing my favourite band, LANY, with one of my favourite people, Blossom Hibbert. It was the most beautiful concert filled with endless singing, a little bit of crying and even more smiles. I'd love to relive that night all over again. Definitely will never miss the concert when LANY do eventually return to the UK.

This year, I also moved into my first student house. Like millions of students across the UK, I moved in with 4 people I met three months into being at University during my first year, but luckily for me, they are some of my favourite people on the planet, so no regrets there. Student housing is the epitome of stress, but we did it, and I couldn't love them more.

Personally, one of my proudest moments this year was discovering my new found love for fitness and that ultimately led me to lose around 21lbs in the last 6 months!! I've continued to remind myself throughout this little journey of mine that the process is not entirely for weight loss, but more so for bettering myself and improving my fitness levels in general, but the weight loss is very much a perk. It has ultimately made me feel so much more comfortable with myself and my body, and continues to motivate me in ways I never knew I could be! With this in mind, I never made a drastic change to my diet and yet, with the normalisation of fitness and wellbeing being infiltrated into my everyday life, I find that I have much more enjoyment looking after my body in every way I can now. Very proud of myself for casually implementing a habit I've been wanting to have for as long as I can remember. Plus it's made me enjoy long-distance running, which is something I thought I would NEVER say. 

This year, I also grew the courage to join two of my University magazines and became a regular writer for both. It's been super enjoyable stepping out of my comfort zone and not always writing about things I would personally pick myself, and the challenge of writing a 500-1000 word article about something I've never heard of before is always so enjoyable. I've really loved it and can't wait to write even more for both platforms in 2020!

I also got the chance to visit Amsterdam this year with some of my favourite people and fell in love with the city entirely. One of the prettiest places I've ever been and cannot wait to visit again sometime soon. 

2019 was filled with so many good and so many bad moments, but I wouldn't change a thing. I often spend some time reading back on old blogs (how narcissistic) and recognising how different yet similar I am in my writing, and often just acknowledging the minuscule growth I've made over such a short period of time. 2019 was arguably one of the happiest, fulfilling and enjoyable years of my life so far, and I wouldn't change a moment of it for the world. All I can hope for 2020 is that it treats me as well as 2019 did.

(Here's to a very random throwback photo to some point in the summer this year in our favourite bar ever, YES, with two of my favourite girls on the planet, two of the many people I have to thank for making my 2019 so fun!! Love you both.)

Thank you for reading, 
J. I. Smith x 


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