a few things 2019 taught me

1. Democracy is not a joke. Social media is the epitome of an eco-chamber. Go out and campaign if you can (advice I need to take on myself), because I know 90% of my Instagram followers voted Labour in the previous election, but only 33% of the UK's population did, so, the false hope I held a few days before election day was swiftly taken away from me as soon as the polls were announced. Never trust the internet.

2. The importance of journaling. Gosh, I wouldn't know myself if I didn't write down all of my thoughts and feelings every couple of days. Plus, it's the most therapeutic thing you can do if you're mind is playing games on you.

3. How much I love gyming. I know, I NEVER thought I would be that person but this year I really got the chance to fall in love with working out and I really do love it. Don't get me wrong, I still have days where it's the last thing I want to do but I just have a newly found appreciation for it now. I really miss it when I don't have access to one at home (I refuse to pay for two gym memberships at University and at home) which I really think shows my character development.

4. Depop is the best clothing website, ever. I truly mastered Depop this year. Tactically looking on clothing websites and then promptly switching over to Depop to find a second-hand, identical product which most of the time has only been worn once for half the price. Genuinely one of the best habits I've ever gotten into. For so long I was often very stingy with the amount of money I spent on new clothes but now I can get so many things I want for so much cheaper. a very happy and even a little more sustainable shopper!

5. The most important thing about a night out is the company. You could be in the worst club with the worst music, but as long as the people are good and you're all on the same level, you'll have the best night, ever.

6. I don't take my own advice, and I need to start.

7. Too much of my money is spent on coffee. I don't think that'll change anytime soon though.

8. Life isn't about forced relationships or friendships. If you don't like someone, there's no point fighting it. It may seem bitter, and if you're like me, you might hate that you have a part of you that doesn't like people, but life is too short to waste time attempting to salvage a relationship that was doomed before it even began.

9. Changing my degree to Sociology last April was the best thing I've ever done. I couldn't be more in love with my subject.

10. I love doing things on my own. I don't think this entirely a new discovery for me, but since leaving home for University and forcing myself to find out who I am in this world, there's truly nothing in the world I can't do by myself. I love independent living and I've really found that I've thrived this past year learning how to live life on my own.

11. Everything a person does is a glimpse into themselves. If a person is treating you badly, being mean or ultimately not being someone you want to be around, something is probably going on with them. I've realised that I can't take anything personally because 90% of the time, it's probably just the other person projecting their insecurities. That's my justification of shitty behaviour, anyway.

Thank you for reading,
J. I. Smith x 


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