'what is love to you?' part ii
Love is the completion of every good emotion. It is the finalisation of happiness and is achieved through undoubted affection and care. A feeling that can't be described - except it being the right feeling.
A heart boner.
A connection with a person from the soul, someone you can trust unconditionally, someone who you're utterly comfortable with and someone who makes you not want to sleep because reality is better than your dreams.
Its foremost the acceptance of someones flaws but at the same cherishing the positives as well. Its when you can stop being mad and for the sake of the other person, compromise and communicate. Its also about how much someone is willing to make time and make someone their priority.
Being in love means being second best.
Love is eternal. It's the end to all beginnings.
Love is adventure. Love is experiencing something new with someone by your side, a person that you would never want to change, whether it be family, friends or a partner. Both connection through something unexplainable, something that can't be stopped, but love to me is experiencing something new.
Love for me. It's hard to explain. In the family, its a given. You love your family, but its a feeling people become so accustomed by, its almost forgotten. Its definitely there but sometimes it becomes so normal, it seems absent. For others, it just comes. Whether you like it or not. Its the huge smile when you see them, and the inability to resist it. The uncontrollable laughter, the 'love hate' situations that always end in the same big smile. Remembering tiny details like their favourite TV shows. I don't really know, it's that feeling inside, when you'd do virtually anything for someone. It's putting yourself last, behind the people that mean the most, because they're the best. Not better than you, but in your eyes; the best.
Love is about being happy. Love is about being sad. Love is essential for life, no matter who you are. We are biologically programmed to feel it, live it, embrace it, be empowered by it, yearn it, create it, destroy it and love it. Love is the most beautiful sight, feeling and emotion in the world. Love is what we need. Love is what we want. Love is fundamental. Love is everything to us.
To me, love is about eye contact. I look into the eyes of person I love and something strange happens. Most times, I don't really think sentence pre-set in m brain so I just say it, without thinking about it. So when I talk to them, and I look into their eyes, this white noise takes over me and I can't quite hear things around me and I just look around their eyes and I think of it as the nights sky. I look at it and everytime I do, I see something new. Its when you get so distracted by their sight, that what you're saying doesn't matter as much as the idea of them looking back at you.

Thank you for reading,
J. I. Smith x
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