april favourites 2017

The last day of April 2017 is today and despite this month having significant importance to me due to several things that began in my life this month, I can't say I'm not glad to see the end of it, for no other reason than the fact that it's one step closer to slightly warmer summers in Manchester and being as far away from college for several weeks, as possible. So, in celebration of another month passing, here are my monthly favourites for you all, enjoy!
13 Reasons Why. Despite writing a blog post on this show already, I thought I had to mention it once more just for the sake of the monthly favourites. I'm not going to say too much about 13 reasons why here, because I'm sure me repeating myself isn't the most exciting read, but I can't begin to emphasise the awe this show left me in for days, and it is certainly something I'd recommend.
Rick and Morty. I've been meaning to watch this show for a while now, but with a little persuading from a very good friend of mine, I started watching it this month. It's something I've loved since I started and is something I have certainly been refraining myself from 'binge watching' because I definitely don't have the time because my exams start in less than 3 weeks... But for anyone who has the time, I'd recommend this show just for it's humour and story line being truly iconic. Both seasons are found on Netflix!
David Dobrik. Since Vine died late last year (RIP), a whole ton of Viners moved over to YouTube, David Dobrik being one of them. He vlogs three times a week, and his videos are just iconic. He and his friends are some of the funniest people I've come across in a while on YouTube and I'd massively recommend his channel. His 4:20/1 length videos are iconic in itself, and the content is something I can't help but love and continuously watch one after the other.
Liza Koshy. Again, Liza was once a Viner in the past, however, moved over to Youtube, successfully too. Her content is hilarious, and her personality is something I can't help but admire. She is, in fact, David Dobrik's girlfriend so they do tend to appear in each other's videos quite a lot, although, her content is amazing just because of the person she is. She's so creative when it comes to her videos and every time I've watched one of her videos this month, I've certainly found myself laughing. I'd massively recommend her for no other reason than the fact that you can't help but laugh when watching her.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I went to see this film on Friday, and I loved every part. It seems that I can't help but love Marvel films even before I watch them, this being the case since the first Avengers movie, but besides that point, it was great. It was hilarious, Baby Groot was the cutest part, as I expected, and it was just an all round amazing film. It's definitely a must-watch for anyone who is a slight fan of Marvel movies, or anyone who just wants to watch a funny movie sometime. I predict it will be in the cinema for the next few weeks as it only came out on Friday, so make sure to check it out!
Lany. I've listened to this band for a while now, but more so a band I added to a few of my playlists and listened to as background noise. However, when looking through my playlists to find some songs to recommend to a friend, I listened to 'i like you lots', which continued, repeatedly, for around 4 days afterwards. I then started consciously listening to both their EP's and fell in love with every song. I'm listening to them as I write this, funnily enough. I'll leave a link to my favourite song by them here and hopefully, at least one you love them as much as I do! They give such a lovely summer vibe and their voices are just so beautiful to listen to.

So my monthly favourites are up, and despite the correlation of me not including physical things is becoming more common then not, it's more because of the fact that I don't really buy things and more than half of my time is spent either watching YouTube or listening to my Spotify playlists, so I hope you all enjoyed.
Just before I go, I wanted to mention that my exams are coming up this month, and I unfortunately have come to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't write until they're finished. I'm, of course, upset about this, but I think right now it's the best thing for me just until they're out of the way. As well as the fact that when they are, I can finally go back to uploading 2 times a week, as I planned recently, and get back into what I love doing and the reason why I started this blog (damn alevels). I'm also conscientious that one post a week isn't much, but when I've been writing for my blog over the past couple of weeks, all I've been thinking is how it is technically becoming a form of procrastination for me, which is something I've been trying to avoid a whole lot recently. So, for now, this will be my last post and I'll speak to you all on the 28th May.

Thank you for reading,
J. I. Smith x


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