here's to the 20s!

It's absolutely crazy that it's 2020. 2020 just sounds so cool, doesn't it?

I keep seeing stupid posts online about how 'this decade will be the one where most of us will get married and have kids' and despite it throwing me into a slight existential crisis every time I see one, it's exciting. It's so exciting to think about all the things I'll be doing in the next year, let alone the next decade.

I'm really looking forward to it. Finishing my degree, going into my first proper career. I have absolutely no idea what I'll be doing post-grad other than the vague answer of 'I want to write for a living' I always seem to give when people ask, and I'm excited to see what I do when life starts coming at me at full force.

But first, let's look at the now. I've made a little list of the things I want to do and achieve this year, whether that be mentally and physically, and like everything in my life, it was only a necessity to blog about it.

In an attempt to improve my health, I want to try and better my cooking skills this year. With me being a vegetarian who is also a self-diagnosed lactose intolerant sufferer, my diet is more often consistent with vegan foods, with fish thrown into meals every so often. My goal this year is to broaden my cooking skills and widen my horizons when it comes to vegan meals, as well as ensuring my health is in tip-top condition.

This year, I also really want to put much more effort into training for long-distance running. I really enjoy it and I'd love to make it into much more of a habit, too. There's nothing more satisfying than beating your personal best and I just want to make that more of a regular occurrence when it comes to my running.

Travel more. Whether it's with family, friends or maybe even on my own, I really want to see more of the world this year.

Continue to contribute as much as I can to the platforms I am currently writing for at my University, and also put more time into personal writing. I really want to write a book in the next few years, and it's always good to start as soon as possible, but continuing with this blog is good enough for me right now.

Spend as much time as I can with my friends and family, because I honestly couldn't ask for better people in my life and I'm entirely grateful for every single one of them.

I really want to put more time and effort into this blog this year, but more so, I want to focus on kickstarting my other blog, writing in a much more journalistic-style, and improving my writing in ways I can't do over here.

Read 50 books.

Journal more.

Improve my attendance. It speaks for itself really.

Try to overcome work anxiety and my awful habit of procrastination, and at least attempt to improve my time management somehow. Also, read more academic literature.

Meditate more. I used to meditate so often when I was younger and really made a habit of it, but now I just don't. I recommend it to so many people but don't actually do it as often as I wish I could, so I really want to make it a habit of mine again.

Remind myself to be kinder to my thoughts. I'm often very critical of the way I think sometimes, especially when insecurities come peeping through but I just want to make sure that this year, I'm much nicer to myself in that sense.

Confront things, don't suppress them! Whether it's an internal problem with myself or an issue I have with another person, acknowledging the issue and doing something about it, whether that's journaling and getting it out myself or actually talking to those involved doesn't really matter, I just want to ensure that this year I don't keep anything I don't need to inside and I stay at ease the entire time.

Here's to 2020! Making more happy memories, spending as much time as possible with my favourite people, seeing more of the world, and writing until my fingers hurt. Have a good one too, darlings. Thank you for reading for 4 whole years!! Can you believe I've had that much to say over the last 4 years? Anyone who knows me probably isn't too surprised, really. But honestly, thank you to anyone who regularly reads or who has only ever read one post, all of it means the absolute world.

Happy New Year to you all, and I hope the 20s treat you well.

Thank you for reading,
J. I. Smith x


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